Exploring Theosophy and living in the 21st C
at the School of the Wisdom

The School of the Wisdom programme at Adyar has recently been announced. TOS members may be interested in the following class being offered from 5 January to 4 February 2010.

Theosophy and its Practical Implications

Director: Mr Colin Price

There are aspects of Theosophical doctrine which are highly technical and only of interest to the serious student of philosophy and metaphysics.  However a major portion of the teachings have direct relevance to human life in the twenty-first century. Their deeper meaning only becomes evident to the student after many steps have been taken into the hall of learning. This session will seek to explore the vastness of Theosophy and its great significance for understanding the meaning of life and the mystery of human consciousness.

Mr Colin Price is a former General Secretary of the English Section of the TS, a featured speaker at the European School of Theosophy and a member of the Blavatsky Trust in England.

For further information on the School of the Wisdom for the period November 2009 to February 2010, see:



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