Issue 7 - November 2009    Back to newsletter

TOS news from around the world -

1. France-India   2. Italy   3. Portugal   4. Australia

1. The French Connection – the TOS in France and India
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Since about 2002, the TOS in France has been sponsoring the education of 22 students in Orai, a relatively small city located between Kanpur and Jhansi in the province of Uttar Pradesh, in northern India.  As we reported partially in an earlier newsletter, the devoted local TOS representative, Mr Krishnan Lal Gupta, in addition to paying for the children’s school fees and books through the sponsorships, organises after-school coaching classes every day, special events conveying theosophical values and ideals and weekly cricket matches or other games. 

These photos bring news of the special events that took place in October.


Swami Nityanand, a member of the Orai Lodge of the TS, addresses the children on the occasion of Annie Besant’s birthday.



Swami Nityanandji also gives the children lessons in Vipassana meditation.


A kit of educational material is offered by Brother K.L. Gupta to a student on the occasion of Diwali, the festival of light, in October.



A student participates in the ceremony paying homage to the memory of Dr Besant.

2.  TOS in Italy

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In the last issue of our newsletter, we reported on the batches of teddies the members of the TOS in Italy are knitting and sending off to the TOS in Tanzania to comfort children hospitalised in India for heart surgery. 

In order to keep up with the twenty to thirty teddies needed each month (!), our Italian sisters are now reaching out to other associations, encouraging them to create knitting teams.  In addition to TOS teams in Milan and Rome, there is a new team in the city of Forlì made up of members of  the Giordano Bruno branch of the Associazione Mazziniana Italiana (a non-profit group educating against despotism and fascism) and of the Banca del Tempo di Forlì, a ‘time  barter’ group.   We see them here on the local news page of a national newspaper Il Resto del Carlino.


Newspaper clipping
of the
Forlì group
with their teddies


3.  TOS in Portugal

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The TOS Group in Lisbon, composed of members of different branches of the Theosophical Society, recently visited the association ‘Focinhos e Bigodes’ (‘Muzzles and Whiskers’) which cares for abandoned dogs. The TOS has been helping the association with donations to pay for veterinary treatments, food and other items. Much more help is needed and welcomed!

Check out the Portugal page on the TOS International website for more information.

4.  TOS in Brisbane, Australia



Sharing ideas during the Peaceful Living seminar


To celebrate the International Day of Peace, the Brisbane TOS group conducted a free seminar on Peaceful Living with two focuses – Approaches to meditation and Building peaceful relationships.

The morning session provided an opportunity for participants to try various ways of developing inner peace through contemplation and meditation.

Following lunch, participants enthusiastically joined in exploring ways of enhancing the important relationships in our lives.


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