Issue10 - May 2010

New publications

A brand new Quest book will be available in Rome – or shortly thereafter at It is Joy Mills' Reflections on an Ageless Wisdom: A Commentary on The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett.

 Now why is a book on the Mahatma Letters being announced in a TOS newsletter, you may ask.  Await our end-of-September newsletter to find the answer!

Joy is a long, long (!)-standing member of the TOS and has some interesting memories of her involvement in service work and in social reform.  We will publish an interview with her in our end-of-September newsletter, a week or so before her 90th birthday on October 9.  (“Dear Joy, what do the Mahatmas have to say about service and the spiritual path?”)  We are very proud to count Joy as one of us and will be publishing a BIG, loving birthday greeting for her along with the interview.  Perhaps she is our oldest active TOS member anywhere in the world?!  Would anyone like to challenge her on this? 



Speaking of pride, we announce with a fanfare a new TOS publication that we hope to be ready to release at the Rome Congress: Helping the Dying, by Nelda Samarel. This Guide, intended for those assisting the dying in their transition, will soon be featured on our website.  Here is the back cover statement:

Dying often requires assistance, not only for those in transition but also for their families and loved ones.  This Guide is intended for those who are helping.  It discusses how to meet the dying person’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs through all phases of the dying process, offering not only an understanding of the experiences of the dying, but also practical suggestions to assist them through their final transition. 

We will let you know shortly how to order a printed copy of the Guide or simply to read it on line.


Joy Mills
Joy Mills



Nelda Samarel
Nelda Samarel

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