Issue 14   TOS news from around the world      Back to newsletter | To TOS webpage


A new vocational training centre organised by the TOS Delhi Region


TOS Delhi NCR Region continued their support to Rural Women by establishing another Centre, “Brahmshakti Mahila Prashikshan Kender”, at Kanawani Village, Ghaziabad.

This is the seventh vocational training centre for rural women established by the TOS Region. Other fully functioning Centres are at the villages of Barola, Mangroli, Palwali, Sikendrabad, Dhondhra and Raipur.

In the first phase a mix of ten hand/foot-operated sewing machines with ancillary equipment have been provided for starting low technology training such as dress designing, cutting and tailoring, etc. A qualified teacher has been employed for this purpose.

In subsequent phases, the TOS plans to add more vocations such as beauty culture, embroidery, knitting, etc. Adult education is also being planned.

The project was inaugurated on 2nd November 2010 by Prof C. A. Shinde, Librarian and National Lecturer, Theosophical Society, Adyar, in the presence of TOS members, local villagers and the beneficiaries. Sanatan Dharam Society, Noida, donated the sewing machines and other equipment.

There are also plans to establish a Theosophical Lodge at the Centre in the near future.


A helping hand in Kerala, India

K. Dinakaran, a member of the TS in India since 1983, is Secretary of the Kerala Theosophical Federation. He engages in service not just in this capacity but also in the context of his work at the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation. Here we see him (right) with his Regional Director at Amala Cancer Hospital in Thrissur. They are helping out leukaemia patient, Agnel Augustine, with his medical expenses.

Environmental awareness education in Mahabharat, India

  In July 2010, the members of the TOS in Mahabharat in association with a non-governmental organisation called the Green World Trust engaged the students of the Venkateswar English Medium School in environmental awareness activities, including a tree planting operation near the school, a rally and a signature drive. They also started a Besant Nature Club for the students to reinforce healthy habits of physical activity outdoors and help connect the children to the earth.
  Students line up in preparation for their environmental awareness march. Dr Deepa Padhi presents a sapling to a former Minister of State for planting
  A student plants a fruit bearing tree assisted by the representative of Green World Trust and Deepa Padhi, Secretary TOS, Mahabharat Group. Mrs Padhi asked participants, “what is more precious than giving life to something?” She suggested that instead of presenting gifts to our friends and relatives on their birthdays and other special occasions, we consider giving them a tree to plant!

New Zealand TOS’s bright fundraising idea

As a fund-raiser, the TOS in New Zealand had the bright idea of obtaining an inscribed and autographed copy of Joy Mills’s latest book to raffle at the National TS Convention. The raffle brought in approximately NZ $590 for TOS projects.


Dorothy Bell (right) not only donated the book but acted as courier on her way back home to Australia from Krotona and Olcott in the USA. Here we see her with NZ TOS National Coordinator, Renée Sell, who went out to Auckland international airport to meet her between flights.

Kerry James Goodhew of Dunedin (left) drawing the winning ticket for the Joy Mills book at the Annual Convention of the TS in New Zealand.


The winner of the dedicated copy, Chris Hensley of Napier Branch (left) with Renée Sell and Kerry James Goodhew.


Joy’s book retails for US$39.95 from Quest Books website:
(right) The author herself!


Joy Mills receives the Subba Row medal

Joy Mills has been awarded the Subba Row medal in recognition of her extensive contribution to Theosophical literature.

The International President of the Theosophical Society, Radha Burnier, asked Mr Jaya Hiranandani from Los Angeles to deliver the medal on his return from Adyar. The presentation ceremony took place at Krotona at the end of January.

We congratulate Joy warmly on this richly deserved award.


Adelaide, Australia, TOS members collect books for the Golden Link College in the Philippines



Over the last two years, TOS members in Adelaide, Australia, collected approximately 3,200 used books from primary school libraries for their Books for the Philippines project. In 2010 they sent 2,200 books weighing just over 380 kg to the Golden Link College.

Here we see some of the members packing books into cartons ready for despatch.


Volunteering at the Golden Link College

Gerard Brennan, a secondary school teacher from Sydney, Australia, returned again to the Philippines last September to teach at the Golden Link College for two weeks. This was his third visit as a volunteer since he attended the Indo-Pacific TS Conference in Manila in late 2007.

Gerard says he enjoys teaching at Golden Link and that he plans to go back next year for a longer time. He feels at home:  “There is a special atmosphere in this school and it is a joy to teach there.  I can say with certainty that the students give me far more than I could ever give them.”  Gerard is now regarded as part of the entire community and his next visit is anticipated with pleasure.  During one of his stays, he delivered a lecture at the national headquarters entitled "Theosophy: A Bridge to Freedom".



Krotona residents in action

As we reported last year, the residents of the Krotona Theosophical Community in California engage in modest local community service projects. At Christmas, for example, they adopt a needy family, putting in together to provide enough groceries and gifts to help make the day special.
This past December, they prepared groceries and gifts for an extended family of five, along with $275 in coupons for additional treats and necessities.


Young people become involved in TOS activities in Tanzania



Deepa Kapur, Coordinator of the TOS in Tanzania, reports that a second generation is becoming involved in service work within their community.
Deepa’s daughter, Malaika, and fellow TOS member, Bro. Dubal’s daughter, Khyati, have started a local branch of the TOS youth activity, World Care Way, which is based in Chennai, India.
The group, headed by Malaika and Khyati as President and Vice-President respectively, is dedicated to various social causes and environmental issues. One of the projects for which they are raising funds is the Tanzania Heart Babies project. They are also raising awareness of environmental issues and promoting the use of cloth bags.

Malaika (left) and Khyati present one of the teddies knitted by Italian TOS members, to a baby about to leave for heart surgery in India.

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