An update from the TOS in Hungary
We congratulate the TOS group formed last year in Hungary on its just-acquired official registration as a non-profit service organisation working under the name of MA-TESZ. (This is an abbreviation of three words: MA = Magyar, meaning Hungarian; TE = TEozófiai, meaning Theosophical; and SZ = SZolgálat, meaning Service.)
While the members are still busy with the administrative side of this step, they are carrying on with their work in the village of Borsodnádasd. This is the flood-affected town in northern Hungary they ‘adopted’ last year with the blessing of the town’s municipal officers. While activities so far have included emergency relief such as the collection of donations and clothing and the offering of gifts last Christmas, the group’s long term goal is to help the villagers build their own active self-help community and develop their own service work. |