Issue 24 - NOV 2012       Back to newsletter | to TOS website

Hungarian TOS Group launches their newsletter

The Hungarian TOS Group, MA-TESZ, has recently celebrated another initiative: the publication of an English language electronic newsletter. Members of our international TOS family are invited to access the newsletter at and to register to receive further copies


In this issue of their newsletter, the Hungarian TOS Group reports on two current activities that reflect their interest in healing.

They have established a healing group that meets weekly, using the Healing Ritual developed for the TOS by Geoffrey Hodson. In his words, "Disease will never be banished from the earth by curative medicine alone, but rather by the progress of spiritual and occult learning. The greatest antidote to all disease is a recognition of unity and its expression through love and service."

Copies of this ritual are available by contacting the International TOS Secretary at

MA-TESZ has also been collaborating with another healing group, Classic Cosmoenergy, that uses a spiritual healing method devised on theosophical principles by Nyikolaj Rerich. As well as learning this healing method, members of MA-TESZ have led theosophical seminars with other students of cosmoenergy.


MA-TESZ continues to be active in a wide range of social and animal welfare projects.

They are supporting animal shelters in their area with the collection of bandages needed for veterinary care.

A recent project has been collecting donations of toiletries to make ‘hygiene packs’ for homeless patients of a psychiatric facility.

They are also continuing their work with the community in the village of Borsodnádasd by organising programmes that support children. This is the flood-affected village in northern Hungary that they ‘adopted’ with the blessing of the town’s municipal officers. Its population contains a great number of poor people with little or no education. Another village they have supported is Kisecset settlement for whose library they have collected and delivered donations of books.

Yet another valuable initiative of the Hungarian TOS has been the establishment of a telephone
help-line for spiritual assistance. It operates every Monday evening.

Congratulations to all Hungarian TOS members on your energy, imagination and initiative.


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