On November 27, 2014 the TOS Urus Branch, of Oruro city, was awarded a medal and recognised as a Commendable Institution of the Pluri-national State of Bolivia by the Legislative Assembly of Bolivia. The medal and a Diploma of acknowledgement were delivered to the TOS Urus Branch by Engineer, Alex Orozco Rosas, a member of the Parliament. Engineer Daniel Fernandez Escobar, President of Lodge Urus, accepted on behalf of the Lodge at a special ceremony conducted at the Lodge Urus of the Theosophical Society.
Photo: Daniel Fernandez Escobar, President of Lodge Urus in Bolivia |
The official document of award read in part: “. . . CONSIDERING: That this Order was founded by Dr Annie Besant in Feb 1908 in order to relieve suffering ... “That the TOS Urus Branch spreads this idea including all life, and carries out several ways of service in order to practise the ideals of the Theosophical philosophy. The TOS is Theosophy in action. “That the TOS Urus Branch belongs to an international movement which is present in different countries and is autonomous, it is organised to help the community in order to:
“That the TOS Urus Branch is committed to the improvement of the material and spiritual conditions of mankind, considering also animals and nature. Due to the outstanding help for its community, commitment and growth, it deserves a worthy homage. “SO: The Education and Health Committee of the Chamber of Legislators, using its rights, detailed in the Articles 43 and 134 of the General Bylaws of the Chamber of Legislators of the Pluri-National Assembly of Bolivia, “DETERMINES: ... Pay worthy homage to the TOS Urus Branch of Oruro City, and award its recognition as a Commendable Institution of the Pluri-national State of Bolivia, due to its Institutional life.”
The TOS in Perth, Australia is collaborating with the Liberal Catholic Church in world peace candlelight meditations twice a month. |
Since 2010, the TOS in France has been supporting an educational project of the Liberal Catholic Church in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A school for disadvantaged children in Mikondo, a war-torn suburb of Kinshasa where the church has reliable members to oversee the work, has been equipped to greatly increase its roll and extend classes to secondary level. Being the only ‘public’ service in this desperately impoverished suburb, the school fills a social function as well, drawing in street children, equipping them with uniforms and giving them a sense of belonging to the community. In addition to benches, books and stationery, an electricity generator has been donated to permit adequate lighting in the classrooms when needed. The generator is rented out for weddings, birthdays and funerals, bringing in revenue for the school. The teachers are all professionally qualified. The Liberal Catholic Church is pleased with the success of this difficult project and the TOS delighted to support it. |
For ten years and counting Karen McCormick of the TOS in the United States has dedicated herself to the TOS’s Rosebud Project aiding Native American children. The Rosebud Reservation, located in the prairie lands of the state of South Dakota in the United States, has the 2nd highest rate of poverty in the Nation. Karen and her husband work with a group within the Rosebud Reservation called: Okiciapi Wiwang Wacipi, which means “They help each other.” The group’s ceremonial leader also works in the local school and assists by routing the items provided by the TOS to the neediest of the children. |
Karen’s packages of school supplies, Christmas gifts and warm coats and clothing reach dozens of children each year. Elders have also received warm coats and blankets. This Autumn Karen sent backpacks, hoodies, miscellaneous clothing, shoes and school supplies. At Christmas large parcels filled with toys, games, dolls and other gifts brightened the Holidays for numerous children on the Reservation and in January jackets, hoodies, caps and other winter clothing arrived to keep out the cold. |