TOS Start-up Kit


TOS Start-up Kit

This collection of documents was put together to serve as a start-up guide for people wanting to set up a new TOS group. It is also addressed to long-time TOS members wishing to improve their understanding of how the TOS functions. The nature of spiritually oriented service is a theme underlying the whole package.

These are all Acrobat PDF documents, so you can easily print them regardless of what word processor or computer type you have.

  1. Introduction:
    - a letter to enquirers, from the international secretary, Diana

  2. About the TOS - its origins and aims

  3. Getting things up and running: examples from Brazil and Canada

  4. What shall we do to participate in the work of the TOS?

  5. "O Powers of Love" - invocations

  6. "Brotherhood Forgotten" - an article by Joy Mills

  7. "In the service of Life" - by Rachel Naomi Remen
    (Reproduced from the Noetic Sciences Review, Spring 1996)

  8. "How can we help?"




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