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NOV 08 Dr Sunita Maithreya



A general practitioner in Chennai, India, Dr Sunita Maithreya gives many hours of medical consultation per month to the needy in her area.

We see her here (to the right in red) at the regular free clinic run by the TOS's volunteer doctors on the premises of the Social Welfare Centre in Adyar.

Deeply involved in the work of the TOS, Chennai Region, Sunita will address the next annual International Convention of the Theosophical Society on the theme, The Spiritual Basis of Service. She and her husband, Mr C.V.K. Maithreya who is president of the TOS in his region, represented India at an international conference of the TOS held in Illinois, USA, in mid-2007.


NOV 08 paris anti-neclear



The international secretary of the TOS participates regularly in anti-nuclear power and weapons activities.

Here we see her marching in the streets of Paris alongside members of the French Green Party.





NOV 08 ballesteros



Julia Ballesteros de Martinez, General Secretary of the TS in Colombia, places great emphasis on working with the young and helping the spiritual side of their natures to unfold. She organises activities for them regularly at the Theosophical Society in Bogota.

In this photo, we see Julia (seated, wearing a light blue scarf) surrounded by some of her children and grandchildren. Her husband, Antonio, is standing second from right, carrying one of his grandsons.


NOV 08 moorhen flats



The TOS in Brisbane, Australia has established several areas of local service. One is the field of environmental improvement. The members have 'adopted' a piece of industrial wasteland that the Brisbane City Council is reclaiming and transforming into a park. TOS members go there once a month to plant trees, etc. They draw pleasure from observing the improvements over
the years since they started the project.





The TOS in France supports a retirement home in Chennai for widows without children.  Here we see the ladies with Michel Chapotin, President of the TOS in France (third from right).



The Theosophical Society and the Theosophical Order of Service in USA co-hosted a TOS Conference in July 2007.  The warmth of their welcome, their generosity and kindness were greatly appreciated.



Here is Regina Medina, the Director of the TOS Brazil.  Brazilians: contact her if you want to join in activities!



The President of the TOS in Chennai, India is currently Mr C.V.K. Maithreya who did a remarkable job spearheading the TOS’s response to the 2004 tsunami in southern India.  He had a hardworking team around him....and still does.







At the centenary event of the TOS in Brazil this year, they celebrated with a birthday cake. 




The TOS in Chennai produced some beautiful T-shirts to celebrate the TOS’s centenary this year.  Here are some members in New Zealand showing them off.



New Zealand

The TOS in New Zealand celebrated the centenary with five guest speakers from overseas.







In January 2008 as part of the TOS Centenary celebrations held in India, the TOS Chennai collaborated with a movement for children called the Round Table to put on a jumble sale at the Social Welfare Centre in the Chennai suburb of Adyar.  The items were provided in part by TOS members coming from overseas for the celebrations, though they did not participate in the actual work of running the sale itself.



Radha Burnier, the International President of the TOS, is an animal rights supporter who follows a vegan diet as far as her extensive international travelling will allow.



At the Social Welfare Centre at Adyar in Chennai, India, young women are trained in tailoring.  Here we are being shown some beautifully executed practice work.



Presentation of tricycles to men in need in Assam Region of India.  Behind left hand recipient: Bro. R.N. Chowdhury, Secretary of the Assam Theosophical Federation; standing in the middle: Major S.B. Lahkar, President of the Guwahati Branch.




Geoff Harrod, the webmaster of this site, takes time out to feed kookaburras on his back porch in Queensland, Australia. Geoff and his wife, Carolyn, are great animal lovers.

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