Report by TOS International Secretary, Diana Dunningham Chapotin 6 - Summing up: What touched people the most at the Congress? I posed this question to some people on the last day and the thing that was mentioned the most often was the friendliness, efficiency, indefatigability and generosity of the Italian team running the event.
Maija Wenzel, long-time member of the French TOS, identified ease of communication with participants as the thing that touched her the most at the Congress. “Whether they were from Brazil, Africa or Australia, one could sit down beside anyone at all and have no need to hunt for a subject of conversation. Exchanges sprang up spontaneously and naturally.” Deepa Kapur, the coordinator of the TOS work in Dar es Salaam, unable to attend the Congress, sent this message to Antonio Girardi: “Brother Dubal arrived home in Tanzania yesterday full of exciting news about a World Congress that was a stupendous success! President of the TOS in Chennai, C.V.K. Maithreya, wrote: “The 10th World Congress was a great opportunity to meet old friends, make new ones, share ideas and experiences and enjoy a feeling of fraternity. The charity bazaar organised by the TS and TOS in Italy was a resounding success; we at TOS, Chennai are deeply grateful for the display of posters on the SEE Project, the sale of products made by the tsunami-affected women and the generous donation to support our work." Since the Congress ended, Antonio Girardi has written to us: “The whole Italian Section now hopes that the brotherly spirit of Rome will give strength and energy to everyone's work in the sign of faithfulness to the Masters and to the Aims of the Theosophical Society.” The Rome Congress has indeed given us strength and energy for the work, dear Antonio. Heartfelt thanks from us all… For lots more photos of the Congress see page 7, the last page. To top To page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Back to newsletter |