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Issue12 - Oct 2010

Thanks to donors for supporting the Chile appeal

You may recall that the HQ building of the TS in Santiago, Chile was badly damaged in the earthquake that took place there last February.  Upon learning of this, the TS in America offered to transmit donations for anybody who cared to help out.  The TOS forwarded this information to readers of this newsletter. 

The American Section - sound the trumpets - has announced that the amount of money needed to carry out the substantial repairs has been gathered, thanks to many individuals and to a number of TOS and TS Sections, notably the Italian, Singaporean, New Zealand, French, Canadian and American.  A particularly touching contribution was received from the members of the TOS in Mumbai, India.  Normally Theosophists in Western countries contribute to the work within India.  This time, our Indian sisters and brothers were also ready to help a sister TS Section overseas.

We will bring you more details on the situation in Chile as they come to hand. In the meantime, heartfelt thanks for your response.

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