Every year the government of Canada continues to sanction the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of seals. In 2011, they have agreed to the slaughter of 400,000 harp seal pups. This is extraordinary, when you consider that last August the European Union ban on seal products took effect and significantly reduced the demand for seal pup skins. This government supported slaughter also comes at a time when hundreds of thousands of pups are dying from poor ice conditions. Over the past decade, the amount of sea ice has been severely reduced in the Gulf of St Lawrence. Since harp seals require a solid and stable platform on which to give birth and nurse their pups, a lack of ice is a major threat to the species. The fact that the Canadian government continues to increase allowable catches and financially support this hunt when so many seals are dying from environmental factors is both reckless and absurd. The Canadian government tells the world that the slaughter of seals is humane, but videos taken this year show that it is cruel and inhumane and that government officials are not enforcing the regulations for so-called humane slaughter. Seals need our voices NOW to stop this unnecessary and inhumane slaughter once and for all. Visit the International Fund for Animal Welfare website to see the proof of what the seal hunt is really like. Go to their Activist Toolkit and find resources for writing to the Canadian government to end the seal hunt. Spread the word among your friends.
URL for IFAW: http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw_international/join_campaigns/seals/index.php URL for Activist Toolkit: http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw_international/join_campaigns/seals/toolkit.php