Issue17 - August 2011       Back to newsletter | to TOS website

Gratitude for the Geoffrey Hodson Memorial Scholarship Fund

In last December’s issue of this newsletter, we reported on the modest endowment fund the TOS in New Zealand has set up in the Philippines, the interest from which pays for the education of a child at the Golden Link College in suburban Manila. 

The fund, you may recall, is called The Geoffrey Hodson Memorial Scholarship Fund after the well-known theosophical author who was a president of the TOS in New Zealand and the founding president of the NZ Vegetarian Society. 

The President of the TS in the Philippines, Dr Roselmo Doval-Santos, recently wrote to Renée Sell, the Coordinator of the TOS in New Zealand, about the Fund.  Renée found what he had to say so touching and inspiring that she sent it to the international TOS to be shared with all.

Here is Rosel’s message:

Dear Renée,
Your donors probably do not have a full idea of how immensely important the Geoffrey Hodson scholarship is to the beneficiary of the Fund.  After the New Zealand experience with the Christchurch earthquake, you might wish to share with the donors that in the Philippines, we get two or three disasters of this proportion a year, through earthquakes, flooding, typhoons or even from violent insurgency (Islamic fundamentalism).

The sharing of the message of Theosophy is vital. One of the best ways to spread Theosophy is by action. Action speaks volumes, as you well know. The information on the assistance you are giving the Manila urban poor children spreads like wildfire in our depressed communities. It wins the Theosophical Society, your country and of course Geoffrey Hodson much goodwill and admiration.



Roselmo Doval-Santos, President of the TS in the Philippines

         Renée Sell, National Coordinator of the TOS in New Zealand


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