Issue17 - August 2011       Back to newsletter | to TOS website

A million trees and counting

2011 is the International Year of Forests when the UN is asking us to think about and visit our forests, home to so many of the world's species.

Forests provide shelter to people and habitat to biodiversity; are a source of food, medicine and clean water; and play a vital role in maintaining a stable global climate and environment. All of these elements taken together reinforce the message that forests are vital to the survival and well-being of people everywhere, all 7 billion of us.

Did you know that it is estimated that 20% of the world’s greenhouse gases come from forest destruction?

Carbon is trapped in trees, their roots and the soil and is released into the atmosphere when forests are destroyed.

So what are you, your TOS group and your community doing?

In one community in Australia, the local Council and environmental groups are working together on a 2 Million Trees project. So far, over 1,300,000 trees have been planted around the city to create natural habitat and help support the city’s biodiversity. The trees have been carefully selected to fit with existing habitat and they extend wildlife corridors as well as providing food and shelter for native animals. The community is confident that they will reach their aim of planting 2 million trees by the end of 2011. The main challenge is caring for all these little trees until they are established – and TOS members are helping.

For many years, members of the Brisbane TOS group in Australia have worked with their local environmental group and City Council on a project to re-vegetate an old industrial site along a creek. They have seen wonderful changes with the original waste-land now covered with trees, shrubs and native grasses, providing a home to a wide variety of birds and small animals.

Have you planted a tree this year?

You could check out what your local environmental groups are doing and join in some of their activities. It’s an excellent way of networking and letting people know about the TOS.


Raise awareness of the importance of forests

One TOS group is organising a one-day seminar entitled, Healing from the Forest. They have invited guest speakers to present short talks or workshops. Topics include: Using Essential Oils from the Forest; Forests Help Heal Our Planet; and The Spiritual Dimension of Forests. After lunch, the day will conclude with a creative workshop, Exploring Our Personal Responses to the Forest, led by two artists.

Another TOS group has organised a public afternoon talk. They have invited an experienced speaker from a local conservation group to give an illustrated talk about how people can use forests in sustainable ways.


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