Issue17 - August 2011       Back to newsletter | to TOS website

Tea-osophy in England

For several years now, a simple and enjoyable fundraising activity has been organised three or four times a year by UK TOS Treasurer, Greta Walker, and former TS National Treasurer, George McNamara.

They hold Theosophical Tea Parties (the "Tea-and-coffeecal Society") at TS HQ in London. Each meeting has a theme such as "countries we have lived in", but theosophy, life, the universe and everything are also discussed! Before or after the gathering, people are free to visit the TS Library which has an outstanding collection of books.



The last gathering had the Theosophical Order of Service itself as its theme, with the goal of interesting people in helping to establish the TOS better in London.  Active TOS worker, Cornelia Crowther, came along and former TS General Secretary, Colin Price, was kind enough to come in and answer questions on Theosophy from the enquirers present.  About 14 or 15 people turned up and the sum of £23.20 (US$37) was collected in donations. Every bit helps!

TS HQ in London is a very beautiful place.  The members warmly invite TS visitors from out of town to visit the building and attend one of their Tea-osophy parties.


The next tea party will take place on October 26. Cornelia has been invited to show the video she has made of Adyar and to tell people about the International Headquarters.

Cornelia (photo on the right) is good at setting the relaxed and informal atmosphere that is a key to the success of the tea parties.


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