EN22 >Newsletter cover page >Website
from the TOS healing network in the USA
The coordinator of the healing network of the Theosophical Order of Service in America invites us to send her the names of those we know to be suffering and in need of healing. She will immediately forward the names to the many groups and individuals across the USA regularly performing the TOS’s healing ritual. |
If you know anyone who is ill and would appreciate this service, or if you are ill yourself, write to the TOS in America’s healing network coordinator, Diane Eisenberg, at TOS2healing@gmail.com, providing the following information: 1. The full name of the person or persons concerned. (Please obtain their permission first.) 2. The country where they live. 3. Your name and country as point of contact. The name or names you send will be kept on the healing list for just one month unless you write asking for renewal. |