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As service becomes our habitual attitude to everyone whom we meet we shall gradually find that everyone is profoundly interesting and that the giving of service is the greatest joy in life.
Annie Besant |

The fruit of love is service.
The fruit of service is peace.
And peace begins with a smile.
Mother Theresa |

We have to learn to give with our hearts. When we help from the very soul of ourselves, there can be no consciousness of a helper separate from the one who is being helped.
N. Sri Ram |
You cannot move
without leaving footprints,
which some may follow.
- N. Sri Ram |
Recognise that you have done the best you could
And forgive yourself.
Recognise that everyone has done the best they could
And forgive them.
- Stephen C. Paul |

What you are the world is.
And without your transformation,
there can be no transformation of the world.
- J. Krishnamurti |

Think occasionally of the suffering
of which you spare yourself the sight.
- Albert Schweitzer |

Be kinder than necessary
because everyone you meet
is fighting some kind of battle. |

The Great Way is gateless,
There are a thousand alleyways.
If once you pass the barrier
You walk the Universe in royal solitude.
- The Mumonkan

A meditation
St Clare’s words to St Agnes of Prague:
Place your mind in the mirror of eternity;
Place your soul in the splendour of glory;
Place your heart in the icon of the Substance Divine;
And contemplating, be transformed
into the image of the Godhead Itself. |

As a child of Universe
I sincerely promise that I shall do my best
To be like a lighted candle:
To put light where there is darkness,
To give warmth where it is cold;
to do something each day that will be beautifiul,
To make peace in myself and in others.
And if I fail I shall not cry,
I shall try again;
And when I succeed my heart will be full
Of Light, and Love, of Peace, Joy, and Hope.
May Peace Prevail on Earth!
Marguerite Smithwhite |

Peace cannot be kept by force.
It can only be achieved by understanding.
Albert Einstein |
Let us choose each other as companions.
Let us sit at one another’s feet.
Come a little closer now,
So that we may see each other’s faces.
Inside we share so many secrets –
Do not believe we are simply what these eyes can see.
Now we are music together,
Sharing one cup and an armful of roses.
In the depth of my soul there is
A wordless song ….
It is a song composed by contemplation.
And published by silence,
And shunned by clamour,
And folded by truth,
And repeated by dreams,
And understood by love,
And hidden by awakening,
And sung by the soul.
Kahlil Gibran
Cape Leuwin Western Australia - G Harrod |

True simplicity springs not from ignorance, but from maturity of wisdom.
N. Sri Ram |
Believe nothing because a wise man said it.
Believe nothing because it is generally held.
Believe nothing because it is written.
Believe nothing because it is said to be divine.
Believe nothing because someone else believes it.
But believe only what you yourself judge to be true.
- Buddha |

Through the central gate of being, we enter into the palace of the heart. We call upon the faithful helpers of sympathy and sincerity to aid our passage to the inner worlds. Humbly we bow towards the Mother of all creation that reigns at the centre of our being. We contemplate the glorious beauty of the Oneness that resides at the heart of all creatures – in the trees, plants, peoples and animals. May our minds be ever aware of this magnificence and our hearts irradiated with her Love.
- The Royal Road, Stephan Hoeller |

If you knew yourself for even one moment,
If you could just glimpse your most beautiful face,
Maybe you wouldn’t slumber so deeply in that house of clay.
Why not move into your house of joy and shine into every crevice!
For you are the secret Treasure-bearer, and always have been.
Didn’t you know?
- Rumi |

Oh Lord,
Our planet earth is only a small star in space.
It is our duty to transform it
Into a planet whose creatures are no longer tormented by war, hunger and fear,
No longer senselessly divided by race, colour and ideology.
Give us courage and strength to begin this task today
So that our children and children's children
Shall one day carry the name of 'man' with pride.
- The (forgotten)Prayer of the United Nations. |

Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission – to be of service to them wherever they require it.
Francis of Assisi, 1181-1226
Quoted in The Life by St Bonaventura
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