The Acrobat PDF file format is the de facto standard for delivering formatted documents widely so that they will display and print with all formatting and fonts as designed, regardless of the user's computer setup. For that reason we make good use of the PDF format on this TOS site. PDF stands for 'Portable Document Format' and was devised by the Adobe company. It is the file format for Adobe's portable document system called Acrobat. Adobe sell a complete Acrobat package for several hundred dollars, which is intended for professional developers who will produce PDF files. It includes a system for PDF files to be created from almost any word processor or other application program. In order to read a PDF file you need a PDF Reader. Adobe make their Acrobat Reader program available for free download, in versions for Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, Linux and Unix systems. However the curernt version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (v9 in July 2008) is a very large download (35 Mb) - too large for anyone connected by dial-up modem, and it will not work on Windows 98. Below are links to the Adobe Acrobat Reader download site and also to two alternative PDF readers. 1. We suggest you obtain the ADOBE ACROBAT READER if you can manage a 34 Mb download and if you run Windows XP or later or a Macintosh. 2. The FOXIT PDF Reader is a much smaller download (2.6 Mb) and also it starts up very quickly. It will run on Windows ME, 2000, 2003, XP and Vista. 3. The SUMATRA PDF Reader will, we think, run on Windows 98, as well as on Windows up to Vista. It is also a very small system, but has minimal facilities. 1. We suggest you UN-tick the option 'Also download Google toolbar' . 2. FOXIT PDF READER v2.3 For Windows ME, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista. Download size: 2.6 Mb Choose Installer option.
Choose Save option. Save to a place where you will find the file, e.g. MyDocuments.
After downloading finishes, go to the place where you saved it using MyComputer and double-click the filename. Follow the prompts. 3. SUMATRA PDF READER For Windows 98 onwards. Limited facilities. Download size 1.2 Mb Choose Installer option.
Choose Save and then as for Foxit above. |