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TOS Tanzania’s Youth Group Shines!

There is an old African proverb: “It takes a village to raise a child.” And when that village itself comprises a large number of youngsters, then voila! We see a vibrant TOS Youth Group led by youth president Chandni Mehta and bolstered by the participation and encouragement of long-time elder members of the Theosophical Society (TS) and Theosophical Order of Service (TOS), especially chairperson Sis. Lila Chohan and Assistant General Secretary Bro. Dubal. Please enjoy this report received from the Tanzanian TOS and centred around their exceedingly vibrant youth group.

  5th Anniversary Celebration for TOS Youth Group

  2016 marked five years of the Youth Group banding together, embarking on a journey of humanitarian work and setting milestones. Come mid-July and it was party time for these youngsters and the current president Chandni Mehta, who also welcomed the inaugural Youth Group president Malaika Kapur from Canada and vice-president Khyati Dubal from India. A beautiful cake by Veena Dubal, lights, music, dance, food and the distribution to the community of TOS T-shirts with the slogan “Say No to Plastic” completed the celebration!

'Faith Hope and Charity' Jumble Sale:
Books, cards, jewellery, colour pens, baskets, clothes, hair clips, stickers, badges, decorative articles, make-up kits, stationery, all the unused items collected from the homes of our TOS members, were put on display at the big jumble sale event in Dar es Salaam. Many organisations participated.


The Chanika Orphanage cares for 90 children.
  Our TOS Youth Group put up a colourful banner and pictures of the Chanika Orphanage to which they would donate the proceeds of the sale. With patronage by people of different countries, community heads and some celebrities, like the famed Fashion Designer Mustafa, our TOS Youth Group made speedy sales collecting the pleasing amount of Tanzanian Shs. 210,000=€87 or US$96. High energy, cheerfulness, bonhomie, excitement and satisfaction marked the day.

All Roads Lead to Chanika Orphanage
Armed with a spirit of giving, a passion to share and the bounty of T. Shs. 210,000 well collected from the jumble sale, the TOS Youth Group led by President Chandni Mehta, as well as our TS chairperson Sis. Lila Chohan, Assistant General Secretary Bro. H. Dubal, our other members and TOS Director, Deepa Kapur, we had a morning of celebration and sharing with the kids. Warmly greeted with song and dance, partaking of food together and sipping juices, we learned about the kids’ progress, interacted joyfully and gave them presents of footballs, biscuits and toys.
  Warmth of Blankets for 'Askaris'  

Askaris (photo from – free to use and share commercially.)
Askaris are the watchmen and guards who take care of the security of building complexes and the community at large. During the winter months (mild winters in August /Sept. in the southern hemisphere), these men who sit in the open welcome the blankets we provide, as a way to keep warm during the night. About 100 blankets were donated by TOS Dar es Salaam.  
  TOS Youth Climb Mt Kilimanjaro, World's Highest Free-Standing Mountain, For Peace  
  Our TOS youth members Dr Yash Dubal and Hitesh Chohan conquered the peak of Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, standing tall at over 19,000 feet! Describing the journey as symbolic of our quest for spiritual growth, both our courageous climbers revealed the struggles, obstacles and hardships they encountered as they made their way up and down the treacherous slopes for eight days, and how they never quit! So too, in life, many a hurdle may come our way, but keeping our eyes focused on the highest goal enables us to overcome the impossible.  
  Presentation of Certificates

  On 21st September, in a joint celebration of a youth member Siya’s birthday, our Dar es Salaam Lodge chairperson Sis. Lila Chohan and Assistant General Secretary Bro. Dubal presented certificates of appreciation and congratulations to both our ‘heroes’, Yash and Hitesh. Singing “Congratulations Yash and Hitesh” and “Happy Birthday Siya,” we had a cake cutting ceremony and a small party at our Lodge.

  TOS Contributes TV Set for Students
Our TOS contributed a television set and a DVD player to the Dahya Punja Library at our Dar es Salaam Lodge centre. Students visiting the Library can use this facility to watch educational videos and TS films. Members of the Lodge are delighted to watch TS films featuring our leaders giving lectures, most especially talks by Sis. Radha Burnier.
  Breakfast for Cancer Hospital Patients
Monetary donations pouring in from our former members,now living in Canada and the USA, are earmarked for contributing towards preparing healthy, nutritious breakfasts for underprivileged patients at the cancer Hospital in Dar es Salaam.

From London with Love!

  The philanthropic family of our TS Chairperson, Sis. Lila Chohan, that hails from London, UK, took a day off to visit the lovely children at the Chanika Orphanage. With gifts and monetary contributions, it was time well spent with the children. Interacting with the kids and learning about the expansion of the premise facilities immediately attracted donations from the visitors from London, to build more dormitories.

TOS Donation of Movie Screen for Children
The decision of our TOS group to donate a large, wall to wall movie screen opened up a visual dimension of learning for the children of Shishi Kunj Organisation in Tanzania. This organisation runs character building classes in which almost 100 children are enrolled. The screen will allow short movies centred around moral stories or mythological videos to be shown. In February 2016 we screened a film on ‘Adyar’. The donation of this screen has proved to be a huge success!

Chanika Orphanage Loves Our Youth Group
Yet another visit by our Youth Group organised by Hoshil in early 2016 saw a growing bond between our youngsters and the children at Chanika. Donations of footballs, biscuits, juices, foodstuff and groceries are always welcomed by Chanika Orphanage.
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