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A reminder about the impact of global warming
What if parts of your environment just kept getting smaller?   
View the video ….
(4.9Mb wmv format)

An inspirational story of a cracked pot
The moral of this story, told in a beautiful slide show, is that it is wise to value all of our attributes.   
View as a Powerpoint show (2.4Mb PPS)


The power of individual action
This inspirational video tells the story of a little boy to highlight the importance of taking responsibility and the power of individual action.   
View the movie .
 ( WMV movie clip. 2 min  4.8Mb)

Do you commonly drink bottled water?
Our almost automatic purchasing of bottled water has become an environmental challenge. Did you know that in the USA alone, over 28,000,000,000 plastic bottles of water are bought every year… and 86% of those plastic bottles end up in the garbage. Here’s an environmental message to raise awareness and hopefully cause us to stop and think the next time our hand reaches for the plastic bottle on the shop shelf.  
Watch this slide show   (Requires Flash. Please wait for very slow loading.)

'Think Again' - A humorous "cash Karma" video cartoon produced by the World Wildlife Fund inviting us to take the effects of pollution more seriously in our lives.
View the movie   (MPG movie file 44 seconds 1.57 Mb )

Baby lion hugs

This heart-warming video reminds us of how readily young animals connect with other species. To them, we are all One.  
Watch the video …. (on YouTube)



Humorous and creative videos to make us stop and think

How can you make people aware that the meat they are eating was once a living creature? This humorous video shows a clever idea that seems to work with most people. Just watch the horrified looks on many faces.   View the video...   (on YouTube)

Animals Australia’s campaign against factory farming is having a significant impact on consumer choices and as a result the factory farming industry is in damage control. A major Australian supermarket group, Coles, has recently announced that by 2013 all of their 'home brand' pork, bacon and ham will come from farms where mother pigs are not kept in tiny crates (called sow stalls) during pregnancy; and all of their 'home brand' eggs will be cage free.

Animals Australia has produced a creative and touching video to accompany a well-known song. To be inspired by what is possible.   View the video...



Murmuration: a natural wonder

Murmuration is a mystery of nature. No one knows why they do it, yet each fall, thousands of starlings dance in the twilight above England and Scotland. The birds gather in shape-shifting flocks called murmurations, having migrated in the millions from Russia and Scandinavia to escape winter's frigid bite. Scientists aren't sure how they do it, either. The starlings' murmurations are manifestations of swarm intelligence, which in different contexts is practised by schools of fish, swarms of bees and colonies of ants.

  View the video….   (on Vimeo)



The power of music as an element of social transformation

Here is the touching and uplifting story of how orchestra director, Luis Szarán, took music to slum children in Paraguay and transformed their lives.  Faced with too few instruments for the many young people wishing to make music, Luis and his band of volunteers recycled items from Paraguay’s largest rubbish dump to make violins, flutes, cellos, saxophones…  Luis was amazed to discover that children could start their lessons on these instruments with dignity.  The Landfill Harmonic was born!

Turn your computer’s sound on and  View the video   (on Vimeo)
It gets increasingly inspiring as it goes along.

Thanks to Argentinian TOS member, Maria Rosa Martinez, for drawing this link to our attention.


Gentle comments on the first object of the TS

Here we share two graphics that provide gentle reminders about how living the first object of the TS changes the way we view everyone with whom we come in contact. 

View the cartoons in full size….


Restore your faith in humanity

