

What are TOS groups putting at the top of their agendas for service action in the
next few years? 


Here are some of the ideas that delegates at the TOS Conference, held at Olcott, Wheaton in July this year, committed to.  We expect to see some of them taking form soon here and there in the world. 

ü  Create activities to empower women such as vocational training in tailoring, computer skills and other income generating projects.

ü  Take on extensive tree planting for the environment.

ü  Create spiritually uplifting resources for children and young people.  Initiate activities for the young. 

ü  Encourage the starting of healing groups.

ü  Start up local TOS groups.

ü  Identify potential leaders and volunteers through leadership seminars.

ü  Make as many TOS workers as possible aware of the beautiful new TOS International Handbook and all the material it contains, particularly the ‘Principles of Organisation’ document that serves as guidelines for management of the work. (This document is available on line. See

ü  Translate key TOS documents such as the TOS Principles of Organisation into local languages.


ü  Identify experienced TOS volunteers available to tour the TS branches in their country or region to give talks on the TOS and its work.  Request that TS National Speakers give out information on the TOS when touring the branches.

ü  Encourage collaborative projects between TS and TOS and encourage local TS branches to incorporate TOS presentations.  Offer a TOS presentation at TS conventions.

ü  Request that information on the TOS be published on TS websites and in TS magazines.


ü  Prepare PowerPoint presentations on the work of the TOS for local TOS organisers to show.

ü  National coordinator to write simple but friendly letters or emails regularly to local TOS organisers and workers.

ü  National TOS committee to compose written guidelines about what comprises a theosophical service project.

It is interesting to note how many commitments to action include making better known amongst Theosophists, the opportunity to join in the TOS’s constructive and joyful activities.

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