Dear fellow-members of the TS and TOS around the world, We still get a warm feeling when we think back to our TOS conference in July and the many dedicated TOS members that we met and worked with. After all the sharing that took place, what are TOS groups now putting at the top of their agendas for service action? We bring you some of their ideas in this issue of our electronic newsletter. We also share some of the talks from the conference. We hope you find the videos informative and useful in your TOS work. Perhaps your fellow TOS and TS members would enjoy viewing one together. We remind you of the richly documented TOS Handbook released in July that can be viewed on your screen as a pdf file here or sent to you in printed form for use with your local TOS group. (Write to Diana at for a copy.) Finally, don’t miss the wonderful opportunity announced below to receive help when your pets are ill. Remember that the newsletter is designed to be read while you are connected to the internet. Please also consider sending photographs of your TOS activities and news items that might be of interest to fellow TOS members. We would welcome your contributions by email to the editors at With best wishes in putting theosophical principles into action, Carolyn, Diana and Geoffrey
The editorial team (L. to R.) Diana Dunningham Chapotin is the International Secretary of the TOS Carolyn Harrod is the past National Coordinator of the TOS in Australia and Geoffrey Harrod is the International TOS Webmaster.
A volunteer is a person who can see what others cannot see; who can feel what most do not feel. Often, such gifted persons do not think of themselves as volunteers, but as citizens - citizens in the fullest sense: partners in civilisation. A. Josland
Progress report on our Plan of Action for the TOS from 2008 to 2013At our recent
International TOS Conference, we shared with delegates the progress that had
been made in implementing the five year Plan of Action developed by
participants at the previous International Conference. The development of the
TOS as an international organisation over the past five years has been truly
impressive, and we are delighted to provide the progress report here for all
TOS members and friends to read.
What are TOS groups putting at the top of their agendas for service action in the next few years?
Participants at the
International TOS Conference, held at Olcott, Wheaton, in July this year, worked
together to contribute ideas for our Plan of Action for the next five years.
They then identified activities that they thought could be priorities for
their countries. Here are some of the ideas that delegates committed to. We
expect to see many of them taking form soon here and there in the world. It
is interesting to note how many commitments to action include making better
known amongst Theosophists, the opportunity to join in the TOS’s constructive
and joyful activities. |
More photographs from the International TOS ConferenceIn our August
newsletter, we brought you lots of photos of our July TOS Conference. We have
since posted many more to our website. We invite conference participants to send us their best shots to add to the collection. Please send them to Diana at
Three talks from the International Conference available as webcastsIf you did not attend the international TOS Conference in July and would like to watch the principal addresses, it is possible to do so thanks to the rapid work of the TS in America technical wizards. Visit the TS in America website to select the talk you want to hear.
The TS in Italy helps build and support an orphanage in IndiaThe TS in Italy was a major donor in the construction of a children’s home in Muttom, Kanyakumari district, Tamil Nadu, southern India, inaugurated in 2010. It is a regular supporter of the home which houses over 200 children and teenagers. The TS recently funded the purchase of computers for the Fatima Academy, a vocational training centre where the youngsters can acquire the skills necessary for a variety of careers in information technology, including design.
Self-Transformation Seminar for the MilitaryThere is a silent revolution in military thinking going on now in the Philippines, where the focus is more on peace-building than war-making. The TS is actively supporting this new focus by conducting seminars for military personnel. A seminar was held in August 2012 at the main camp of the Army Reserve Command in Tanza, Cavite for a batch of 92 trainees destined to become army officers. It was handled by Victor and Jo Penaranda, assisted by Marilyn Ranola.
The TOS in America launches an animal healing networkTheosophy acknowledges the important role animals have in our world. Especially in today’s society, animals and pets are often just as dear to us as any other member of our family or circle of friends. So when illness or injury strikes, we often feel helpless, alone and scared about our ability to help our beloved companions when they need us most. In response, the TOS in America has launched an Animal Healing Network devoted to providing daily healing meditation for sick or terminally ill pets and their owners. Just as with the TOS Healing
Network for people,
these healing meditations call upon the angelic hosts to send loving, healing
power over time and distance to the suffering animal to comfort and protect
until health returns or the soul departs the body. Network organiser Rozi
Ulics says, “By providing this service, we hope to shoulder some of the burden
pet owners feel when faced with a pet’s illness."
Gentle comments on the first object of the TSHere we share two graphics that provide gentle reminders about how living the first object of the TS changes the way we view everyone with whom we come in contact. View the cartoons in full size….
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