Dear fellow members of the TS and TOS around the world,
Welcome to the first issue of the on-line newsletter of the international TOS which will be sent regularly. As its name implies, it is designed to be read on-line so that you can access the links to extra information on the internet.
Through this newsletter, you will have the opportunity to keep in touch with what is happening in the TOS internationally – getting to know TOS members outside your own country, sharing in celebrations, being inspired by stories of service around the globe, exchanging ideas about ways of putting Theosophy into action and keeping up to date with organisational developments.
We welcome your contributions to this newsletter, either through your National TOS Director/ President/ Coordinator/Correspondent or directly to the editors at:
Ø International TOS Plan of Action 2008-2013
Ø Meet one of our newest Correspondents
Ø TOS news from around the world
Ø In the news – His Holiness The Dalai Lama speaks out about bull-fighting
Ø Invitation from the USA TOS website
Ø What’s new on the International TOS website?
Ø Lastly (please don’t miss this)…
International TOS Plan of Action 2008-2013A Plan of Action has been developed through extensive international consultation with members to guide the work of the International TOS during the next five years. It proposes action in eight main areas. To read a summary of this Plan of Action click here. A full copy of the International TOS Plan of Action is available by contacting the International Secretary at:
Meet one of our newest CorrespondentsWe welcome one of our newest Correspondents for the TOS, Breda Zagar, the Correspondent for Slovenia. Breda is enjoying the opportunity of collaborating with her husband Dusan, the Organising Secretary of the TS, in developing the work of the TOS and the TS in an integrated and harmonious way.
Centennial celebrationsThis year the TOS celebrated the centenary of its founding in February 1908 with events around the theosophical world and all kinds of commemorative publications: bulletins, bookmarks, cards, pens, etc. A centenary logo was produced by the TOS in Brazil and widely used on letterheads, posters, newsletters and on the T-shirts produced by the TOS in Chennai. A special edition of The Service Link of 90 pages was brought out. The TOS in the Philippines prepared a centennial banner and shipped a copy gratis to groups overseas, along with a large colour poster about the TOS‘s founder, Dr Annie Besant, and another one on its current operations. At the international TOS’s request, it also produced in DVD form an outstanding illustrated lecture given by Vicente Hao Chin Jnr entitled ‘On root causes and symptoms’. For a photo-collage of some of the celebratory events around the world click here.
TOS news from around the worldIn this issue of the e-newsletter: · Lorraine Christensen, National Director of the TOS in Canada, writes about two highlights of the year; · Danny Giron, the TOS Coordinator for Singapore, tells us about the service activities that this new TOS group is energetically implementing; · we have photographs of a TOS wedding in Chennai; and · Renée Sell, National Coordinator of the TOS in New Zealand, shares the highlights of a busy year. To read the stories, click here.
World Congress 2010
The Congress will provide TOS members with a wonderful opportunity for sharing ideas, networking and exploring ways of applying theosophical principles to issues of contemporary concern. For further information see Latest News on our International website at
UN International DaysThe United Nations was built on spiritual principles and universal values such as peace, human rights, human dignity and worth, justice, respect, good neighbourliness, freedom, respect for nature and shared responsibility. TOS groups will therefore find that many UN designated International Days provide opportunities for promoting the theosophical principles underpinning TOS work as well as networking with similar community groups in supporting relevant UN activities. For information on UN International Days from December 2008 to March 2009 click here.
In the news – His Holiness The Dalai Lama speaks out about bull-fightingHis Holiness The Dalai Lama has written in support of a French association’s 2008 campaign to prevent bull-fighting. To read his open letter click here.
Invitation from the USA TOS websiteThe TOS-USA website ( ) has been re-cast as a dynamic, user-built community website. Site members can easily comment on any article and even post their own article, or email their contribution to the webmaster. The interactive features of the website allow it to serve as an effective networking and communication tool for TOS members and friends.
What’s new on the International TOS website?When you visit our International TOS website you will find information about a new Featured Project – the SEE Project initiated by the TOS in the Chennai Region, as well as a new Featured Article by Jim Ball, a member of the TS in America. Jim challenges us to examine our lifestyles and suggests that frugality is needed to re-establish an ecological balance. In late December, the Featured Article will change to one by our International TOS President, Radha Burnier, entitled Compassion: The Basis for Peace and Understanding. You will also find details about the World Congress as well as additions to the TOS picture gallery, reports and the Inspiration section. Go to
An inspiring message‘We are only limited by our attitude to what appear to be limitations.’ This is the message of the motivational speaker on this YouTube video, made more powerful by the fact that the speaker is limbless. Watch the seven-minute video on:
Lastly (please don’t miss this)…a) Do you know any fellow members of the TOS and TS you think might like to see this newsletter? If so, please forward it to them. If you received this newsletter forwarded from someone else, you will need to subscribe in order to continue to receive it. To sign up, you have only to send a blank message to with ‘Subscribe TOS e-newsletter’ in the subject line.
b) If you do not want to receive future newsletters you can easily unsubscribe. All that is needed is a blank message to with ‘UNSUBSCRIBE TOS e-newsletter’ in the subject line.
With best wishes, Carolyn and Diana
Diana Dunningham Chapotin is the International Secretary of the TOS and Carolyn Harrod is the National Coordinator of the TOS in Australia.
‘Pain and suffering may often seem to be calling us to jump in and fix things, but perhaps they are asking us first to be still enough to hear what can really help, what can truly get to the cause of this suffering, what will not only eliminate it now but prevent it from returning. So, before we act, we need to listen. When we do become quiet enough… the way opens, and we see the possibilities for action’.
-- Mirabai Bush, Compassion in Action: Setting out on the Path of Service (Ram Dass and Mirabai Bush, NY Bell Tower, 1992). [ Go to top ] |