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Our new TOS President

We are pleased to welcome Tim Boyd as the new international president of the TOS, a post that comes ex officio with his election to the presidency of the Theosophical Society. 

No stranger to the work of the TOS, Tim served as president of the TOS in America from 2007 to 2011. Under his leadership, the TOS in the US was restructured so that projects were highlighted rather than departments. This helped release energy for the activities of the organisation, giving members the freedom to focus on what they were passionate about instead of trying to find people to fill different departments. Tim also helped set in place the Kern Foundation matching challenge grant which has been significantly benefiting the Golden Link College in the Philippines for seven years now.

For 25 years Tim worked with a group helping troubled youth in the Chicago area. More recently, Tim’s involvement with the TOS and the Chushul orphanage in Tibet led to an audience with the Dalai Lama which resulted in the TS in America sponsoring his visit to Chicago in July of 2011 for a two-day event attended by ten thousand people. The event raised more than $400,000, all of which was donated to educational projects aiding Tibetan communities worldwide.

See photos of our new president, Tim Boyd, below.

Tim Boyd with TOS International Secretary, Diana DunninghamChapotin, and his wife, Lily Boyd, at the TS World Congress in Rome, July 2010.

Tim with RadhaBurnier in May 2012. He holds a portrait of a young Radha painted by Ruben Cabigting.

Tim Boyd welcoming His Holiness, the Dalai Lama at the 2011 Summer Gathering of the TS in America.  On that occasion the Dalai Lama became an honorary life member of the Theosophical Society in America.

Tim Boyd with Vic Hao Chin,Jr,Chairman of the TOS Foundation in the Philippines in 2012.


Betty Bland, PastPresident of the TS in America, Tim Boyd, President of the TS in America,His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Lily Boyd and David Bland on the occasion of the National Summer Gathering of the TS in America – July 2011.

John Kern, advisor to the Kern Foundation, Radha Burnier and Tim Boyd.

Tim Boyd with his daughter, Angelique, and wife, Lily.

Sashi Singhal, wife of TS Vice-President Mahendra P. Singhal, Tim Boyd and Mahendra Singhal

Tim Boyd with TS Vice-President Mahendra P. Singhal at the July 2013 TOS workers’ conference at Olcott in the USA.


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