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The Philippines

The TOS Skills Training Center in Bago City, the Philippines, near Bacolod City, is also the site of the Rainbow Play Center, a preschool serving the poor families of a nearby farming village.

NOV Filippino Theosophists conduct in-depth seminars addressing two issues in particular: core commonality in religion, and dealing with one’s own anger and fears regarding other people or other ethnic and religious communities.  Here we see one of the trainers - Bebot Rodil - running a peace-building seminar for army officers assigned to Mindanao. 

Here we see Bebot conducting a seminar on peace-making for a multi-religious and multi-cultural group in Mindanao.

NOV Here is Vicente Hao Chin, Jr training students as youth leaders in Mindanao which includes instruction in theosophical principles, meditation, conflict resolution and the skills useful in community service.

A youth camp for the chairpersons of the government youth councils in the entire province of Iloilo.


Vic and Diana Dunningham Chapotin at a theosophical preschool that serves a very poor community in Caloocan City


Delhi, India

Bro B L Bhattacharya observes Dr Bhushan inspecting teeth during one of the many Free Dental Check Up Camps being organised by TOS Deepti Group. Free treatment is provided at "TOS Deepti Dental Centre", a fully owned Dental Centre of their Group.


Heart surgery for children from the economically weaker section of society is co-sponsored by TOS Deepti Group.

NOV Bro M L Khatri & Sister Sunita Gahrotra reconizing the students of Om Foundation School. TOS Noida Sanatan and TOS Deepti Groups play an advisory role for this exclusively "zero cost" school for the economically disadvantaged community of Noida and adjoining areas.

Bro B L Bhattacharya, National Director TOS in India inspecting the "BrahmShakti Mahila Prashikshan Kendra, Raipur", one of the many Vocational Training Centres for Rural Women being conducted by Sister Sunita Gahrotra, TOS Deepti Group



The TOS’s Correspondent for Portugal, José António Machado Alves, regularly gives cooking classes in premises belonging to the city hall in Lisbon. He gives out recipes and shows how to make dishes for those who wish to join the workshop sessions.  Participants are delighted with the classes and enjoy tasting the food they make together.

AUG As a guest Theosophist committed to a compassionate way of life, José António aims to communicate to the public the ethical and spiritual reasons for vegetarianism and the increasing harmony between body and soul that is a natural consequence of a more balanced and healthy diet.


The TOS in Pakistan recently held a function to acknowledge the work their teachers are doing for the home-schools despite the many hurdles they encounter.

Fareeda and Aman Amir report that despite the unrest and violence in Karachi, the teachers at the literacy home-schools continue their work in an exemplary way. These schools are known as Qandeel home schools, symbolising the light of learning spreading out from a lantern.

Each teacher was given a bonus equal to the salary for a month. A letter of appreciation from the International Secretary of the TOS was also given to each teacher. Of course the letter had a translated Urdu version attached.



The children of each school had prepared songs, small plays etc.



Members of the Brisbane TOS group have been exploring ways of reducing their environmental footprint for several years. They have also been promoting practical ways that people can help the environment by reducing their general consumption, energy use and water use.

Members have recently been learning how to make carry bags from recycled newspapers, magazines, cardboard and fabrics. They have made several hundred bags of various sizes for use in the Brisbane TS library and bookshop.



The TOS in France held a lively and enjoyable meeting in Paris in early January at which photos were projected of all the service projects the TOS in France supports. This power point programme inspired several spontaneous donations. A small fundraising sale of home-made items was held and live music was played.

AUG The members then sat down to share what are known as Twelfth Night cakes. These are a traditional part of Epiphany, a Christian Holy Day celebrating, amongst other things, the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus. In each cake, a little porcelain figurine is hidden. Those who find the figurine in their slice of cake are crowned king or queen for the day, symbolising their mission to maintain peace and unity in their kingdom.


The TOS in Brazil organized a bazaar, with donated objects and services. Here we see Jovelina Oliva and Denize Monteiro very busy serving everyone at the bazaar.


The members delivered a load of large gifts including a television for the elderly residents of the São José Bosco Shelter. One of their brothers, Valdir Carnaval, played his guitar for the enjoyment of the residents. Lucia Avila and many others joined in the singing.

The TOS also delivered a load of bricks to Associação Mãos Estendidas ("Outstretched Hands"), an establishment promoting education and psychological aid for children. Since land had recently been bought, what was most needed was this construction help.

Members Erlinda Batista and Denize Monteiro (in white shirts) deliver fans and personal hygiene products to the Hospital Nosso Lar.



The TOS and TS in Kenya have launched a project to educate children on the importance of looking after the natural environment.
Here we see Usha Shah, the Director of the TOS addressing students at the High Ridge Primary School in Parklands, Nairobi.
She talked about how trees are like human beings in that they need to be nurtured and taken care of. To look after our trees and the environment is our way of thanking the Supreme.


Present at the tree planting from left to right: Pauline (Head Teacher), Mary Anderson (Guest of Honour), Miss Sarla Maroo (Chairperson of Nairobi Lodge), Navin Shah (General Secretary of the TS in East Africa, and a teacher (High Ridge Primary School).


Here we see Mary Anderson planting a tree.


Usha Shah, the Convenor of the TOS in Nairobi, Kenya, has managed the famine relief project to support families in the village of Kitui.


Gujarat and Maharashtra regional conference, India

1. Gujarat and Maharashtra TOS Regional President, Bro. Kanti Bhai Patel (standing left), welcomes guest speaker, Bro. Mahendra P. Singhal (seated in the middle), who addressed over 50 members at their annual conference on the theme, “Why TOS and how it relates to brotherhood”.


2. As is so often the case at TOS conferences in India, a presentation was made to the needy – in this case a wheelchair.


Assam and Arunachal regional conference

The program began with a medical camp at which approximately 250 people were treated. They even had a mobile medical van equipped with X-ray and ECG facilities.

1. Consultations at the medical camp

FEB 2. At the conclusion of the meeting, various mobility aids were provided to poor and needy handicapped people. Some of these aids had been purchased with a donation from the TOS in Brisbane, Australia.

TOS President, Tina Fiedler, handing a guest an afternoon tea package

Successful fundraising for the TOS in Brisbane, Australia

The Brisbane TOS group in Australia supports a number of international TOS projects as well as its local project with homeless women. They are therefore frequently searching for successful fundraising ideas to enable them to make donations to these projects.

Recently they ran a cinema event that was well supported by their friends. They negotiated an excellent reduced price with a cinema, and sold tickets to a popular movie at a little more than the normal cost of a cinema ticket. On arrival, guests were welcomed with a beautifully packaged box of home-made afternoon tea treats and offered a choice of drinks. There was time before the start of the movie for guests to mingle and chat, which added to their enjoyment of the event. Since the afternoon tea was donated by TOS members, this event was a most successful fund-raiser.

Income generating skills for needy ladies in Nairobi

The TOS in Kenya have a project to give skills to women enabling them to add to the family income. Ten ladies from 25 to 70 years of age came to the premises of the TS in Nairobi and were shown how to make cow dung cakes to use as fuel, instead of coal. The fuel cakes are easy and cheap to make, are environmentally friendly and can be sold with a very reasonable profit margin.
The ladies were also taught to make dairy products: butter, ghee (clarified butter), yoghurt (plain and with different fruits and fruit flavours), cottage cheese (again with several flavours), lassi (a cooling yoghurt drink) and paneer (a kind of cheese). Ways to make, pack and sell the products were also discussed


1. Cow dung cakes



2. Cow dung cakes drying on a tree


Social welfare centre at Adyar

1. TS members awaiting the start of the Open Day celebrations

FEB 2. Mrs Breda Zagar of the TS in Slovenia cuts the ribbon on one of the room displays.
FEB 3. TS members enjoy the beautiful art and craft work.

4. Free medical treatment is provided at the Social Welfare Centre for needy villagers by the doctors of the Theosophical Order of Service in Chennai.

FEB 5.
FEB 6.
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