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NOTE: These e-newsletters are designed to be read while on-line, interactively. For printable versions see Archives below.

   2008, 2009

EN01 - Nov 2008

EN02 - Jan 2009

EN03 - Mar 2009

EN04 - May 2009

EN05 - July 2009

EN06 - Sep 2009

EN07 - Nov 2009


EN08 - Jan 2010

EN09 - Mar 2010

EN10 - May 2010

EN11 - July 2010 (World Congress)

EN12 - Oct 2010

EN13 - Dec 2010 (Annual report)


EN14 - Feb 2011

EN15 - Apr 2011

EN16 - June 2011

EN17 - Aug 2011

EN18 - October 2011

EN19 - Dec 2011 (Annual report)


EN20 - Feb 2012

EN21 - May 2012

EN22 - Aug 2012

EN23 - Oct 2012 (special)

EN24 - Dec 2012


EN25 - Mar 2013

EN26 - June 2013

EN27 - Aug 2013 (Conference)
  Extra: Library of conference photos

EN28 - Oct 2013

EN29 - Dec 2013

Special EN - Tribute to Radha Burnier


EN30 - Mar 2014

EN31 - June 2014

EN32 - Sep 2014

EN33 - Dec 2014



EN34 - Mar 2015

EN35 - June 2015

EN36 - Sept 2015

EN37 - Dec 2015


Special EN - Tribute to Joy Mills

EN38 - Mar 2016

Special EN - Olcott Education Society

EN40 - June 2016

EN41- Nov 2016



EN42- Jan 2017

EN43- Mar 2017

EN44- June 2017

EN45- Nov 2017


EN46 - Mar 2018

EN47 - June 2018

EN48 - Sept 2018

EN49 - Dec 2018


EN50 - Mar 2019

EN51 - June 2019

EN52 - Oct 2019



EN53 - Jan 2020

e-News Archives - Click to access this alternative format.  
Each issue is in the form of a single Acrobat PDF file containing all linked pages - good for printing  
File sizes vary from 500k to 15Mb.   All links to other websites and videos etc in the newsletter are inactive in this format.

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